About us

Đăng bởi Young Monkeys lúc 1707919880000

Welcome to Young Monkeys - where we bring in-depth programming development from leading experts in the open-source field.

Young Monkeys is an open-source organization dedicated to spreading effective and sustainable programming knowledge and skills for everyone, from beginners to experienced programmers. We believe that every individual has the potential to become a skilled software developer, and we are committed to providing high-quality and diverse training courses to help you achieve your goals.

At Young Monkeys, we not only offer courses in popular programming languages ​​such as Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++, but also focus on teaching fundamental principles of programming, software design, and web and mobile application development. We not only stop at transmitting knowledge but also create a positive learning environment where students can discuss, learn, and develop together.

With a team of top industry experts as instructors, along with support from the programming community, Young Monkeys is committed to providing you with creative and motivational learning experiences. Whether you are looking for new career opportunities in programming or want to enhance your current skills, we are ready to accompany and support you on your journey.

Join Young Monkeys to explore and conquer the world of programming with confidence and success!